As your virtual doula I can provide: wholehearted support during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.


Wherever you are in the world, accessing virtual doula services can get you the education and support you need to be intentional about your birth wishes.

I am here to provide birth education, hold sacred space for you and guide you through it all.

Virtual Doula Support

Do you want to feel prepared, Informed and supported?

Virtual doula support offers personalized, compassionate care that you can count on.

Right now more then ever it’s vital for you to have personalized support.

I can help provide guidance, resources and virtual one on one support.

To wholeheartedly welcome you into this motherhood journey.

Walk into motherhood empowered, mindfully and ready to face challenges with guidance and confidence by your side.

I personally know that motherhood is not one size fits all or always a smooth ride but when you have strong roots you can blossom gracefully into anything that comes your way.

I am here for you for a la carte virtual doula support, Virtual doula bundle or virtual mother blessing.

Virtual Doula

Prenatal Preparation

We will have 3(1hr) virtual prenatal sessions to discuss your priorities, any fears or concerns, to discuss your birth plan and anything else that is important to you and your partner.

We will also cover the following:

  • Discuss possible care providers (if one has not already been chosen)

  • Birth Vision  – what’s yours?  And how to manifest that vision!

  • Pregnancy practices

  • Pain management techniques

  • Tips for partner support

  • Postpartum Prep

  • Resources

    Labor Support

I will go “on call” for you beginning at 38 weeks and will be available  24/7, via phone/text , until  you have delivered your baby.

I can answer questions regarding your labor progress, help you navigate the hospital staff and standards of care,  offer ideas for partner support and be a source of reassurance that YES!  YOU GOT THIS!

Postpartum Support

2(1 hr) postpartum calls, you will receive virtual postpartum support for up to 6 weeks after delivery through Voxer.  I can answer questions about recovery, newborn care and breastfeeding. This can also be a great time to process the birth, to do a postpartum ceremony or ask for resources.


One payment of $900 or 5 payments of $200 per month.


I can help you prepare your mind and spirit for you to experience the divine potential motherhood can bring.

Virtual Mother Blessing

Things might feel very unpredictable right now but mamas need community support more then ever. A virtual Mother Blessing is a great way to weave the line of loving support specially during these unpresidented times. It’s a beautiful way to prepare your mind and spirit for birth. This is a wonderful option for pregnant mamas that:

Want to honor their pregnancy

Don’t want in person celebrations

Want to include family in other locations

Want heart to heart connections

Desire community support

Want to be pampered with love and affection


 Here’s How I can facilitate a Virtual Mother Blessing and what you can expect:

Planning and Scheduling

You don’t have to worry about much, other than showing up, giving me the guest list and picking one of the heart to heart activities. I will coordinate with your main support person and invite your 5-10 closest family and friends. I will supply them with instructions on how to mail you some loving support.

Mama Pampering Package

You will receive a flower crown, herbal salts for your ceremonial foot soak, instructions, access to a personalized meditation and a few other goodies.


I will facilitate the virtual ceremony on the scheduled time and date. I will gently and lovingly guide everyone through the heart to heart activity and remind them of the overall intention for the day.

Instructions for community cord cutting and candle ceremony for your guest.

Don’t just hope for an empowering birth, plan for it!



Will a doula replace my partner?

Not at all. I am there to provide reassurance and support to you and your whole family. The partners I have worked with find that my doula presence is very helpful. I am there for gently guidance or if they need reassurance.

Will you support me in person?

The virtual doula package is strictly done virtually. You do have an option to upgrade to in person support if our schedules align. I would love to support you and you need me.

How will you support me during birth?

I am just a call away. If anything comes up during birth. I am available to FaceTime or through phone calls. To provide resources, clarity or reassurance.

We usually touch base every few hours to see if there’s anything I can help with. Most of our virtual doula support if done prenatally to prepare you for the big day.

Let’s schedule a pregnancy chat.

You’ll learn more about my services.